You should always be thinking about how you can generate leads for your company. If you are constantly planning, tracking your process will be much easier. When you start advertising with a smaller budget, you should start small with ads that you can afford that might generate a smaller cost per lead. Once you take that step use the profit from these customers to step up your lead generating budget.
Always start with a strong headline, this can make or break your entire lead gen campaign. Lead with your strongest benefit and place this close to the beginning of the ad copy. Decide how you want your prospect to respond to the ad and what you want them to do. If you don’t tell them what to do, incredibly, they won’t do it. That is why you need a very strong call to action.
2) Utilize Lower Cost Techniques
Start with a social media campaign, although this can be very low cost it does take time to see a return on this medium. If you don’t know how hire a company that does. When you find a medium that sounds and looks great, start with a small ad/budget and work your way up to larger ad space/buy. This should be done so you can track and compare ROI form other ad campaigns you have run prior.
3) Staying in Contact with Your Customers
You should be in contact with your customers at least once per month, depending on your company and products. Why, you ask? Top of mind. If they don’t know you’re there, how are they going to buy from you? Some options for this type of contact are direct mail, email marketing, newsletters, monthly offers or even a personal phone call depending on quantity of customers. What if your customers saw your logo every month and maybe heard from someone in your company more than twice per year? Studies prove that your sales will increase, and it will be from someone that already trusts you.